Thursday, August 7, 2008

I need some time think....

Hi Everyone! So, I am guilty of being a chronic Facebook/Myspace user, and while I enjoy reading about the wonderful things that are going on in all of your lives, I have sadly decided to go on a “break.” Yes, like one of those high school “breaks” where you give back the class ring on your necklace and you pretend like it does not bother you…even though it does.

I have so many fantastic things that I want to pursue in my life and career, and I need to get the ball rolling or none of you will be able to cash in all those “Erin, when you’re rich and famous, you have to get me a __________.” If you saw my “To Do” list, you would understand why I can not afford to be distracted anymore L My career is calling….

Seriously though, I will be posting a Blog because there are a lot of things coming up that I will need everyone’s help on, so please check that at for the updates.

I am waiting for a confirmation on a new venture, but I will be posting some exciting news soon! So, please check it and let me know what you think!! (most of you who know me will probably ask, “Are you kidding me?” and I will go ahead and answer that with a “No, I’m Not”). All I can say right now is you’re all going to have to fly out to LA to visit soon (and that means you my darling Matt Fields).

So, besides the occasional inbox message, friend request, or career update, I am going to try and break up with you Facebook.

I promise it’s not you, it’s me….

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